Table of contents
01. Letter from the Chairman and the CEO
02. Applus+ at a glance
Our divisions
Global presence
Financial and non-financial highlights
03. Sustainability
Sustainability approach
Creation of value
The Group’s strategy
Delivering world-class TIC services
Sustainability framework
Business excellence
The TIC sector
Services and clients
Key projects
Quality and excellence
Strategic alliances
Our suppliers
Financial information
Summary of consolidated financial statements
Management report
Business risks
Non-financial information
Our employees
Caring for the environment
Building a better society
04. Corporate governance
Approach to corporate governance
Board of Directors
Business ethics and compliance
05. About the report
Focus of sustainability reporting
Commitment to our stakeholders
Assessment of impacts
06. Annex
Shareholder information
Data related to human resources
Financial contribution
Methodology for calculating the energy and emissions indicators
Reference tables: GRI and Global Compact
Reference tables: Spanish Act 11/2018
Report’s verification statement